Well, we're headed home from our week-long Tarpon fishing trip. Despite my best efforts, there is just no way to fit all of our cold items in the food cooler. But, like any passionate angler, we're also traveling home with a frozen bait cooler...that still has some space in it. So, it looks like our frozen Italian ice, and organic green beans are sharing space with frozen sardines and squid wings...to save you time, here is a link to google image results for "squid wings."
And because we are SUCH passionate anglers, we're also coming home with some LIVE bait. Not one, but TWO buckets of blue crabs and pass crabs. There is "No way," said The Fisherman, for them to make it home alive if they ride in one bucket. And there is "No way," said the Fisherman, that they can ride in the truck bed.
Yup, that's MY suitcase stuffed in trash bags in the truck bed, as the buckets-o-crabs, ride safely in the back seat. At least it never rains in Florida in the summertime...
#ohthelifeofafishermanswife #didihearthatcorrectly #isittoolatetosayidon't
And because we are SUCH passionate anglers, we're also coming home with some LIVE bait. Not one, but TWO buckets of blue crabs and pass crabs. There is "No way," said The Fisherman, for them to make it home alive if they ride in one bucket. And there is "No way," said the Fisherman, that they can ride in the truck bed.
Yup, that's MY suitcase stuffed in trash bags in the truck bed, as the buckets-o-crabs, ride safely in the back seat. At least it never rains in Florida in the summertime...
#ohthelifeofafishermanswife #didihearthatcorrectly #isittoolatetosayidon't