#lifeofafishermanswife #isittoolatetosayidont
Despite our best efforts to give the live crabs a safe, comfortable, nurturing environment to ride home in...they all died. Good thing we let them ride in the cab. And YES, it rained all over my suitcase. Thank goodness for hefty.
#lifeofafishermanswife #isittoolatetosayidont
![]() Well, we're headed home from our week-long Tarpon fishing trip. Despite my best efforts, there is just no way to fit all of our cold items in the food cooler. But, like any passionate angler, we're also traveling home with a frozen bait cooler...that still has some space in it. So, it looks like our frozen Italian ice, and organic green beans are sharing space with frozen sardines and squid wings...to save you time, here is a link to google image results for "squid wings." And because we are SUCH passionate anglers, we're also coming home with some LIVE bait. Not one, but TWO buckets of blue crabs and pass crabs. There is "No way," said The Fisherman, for them to make it home alive if they ride in one bucket. And there is "No way," said the Fisherman, that they can ride in the truck bed. Yup, that's MY suitcase stuffed in trash bags in the truck bed, as the buckets-o-crabs, ride safely in the back seat. At least it never rains in Florida in the summertime... #ohthelifeofafishermanswife #didihearthatcorrectly #isittoolatetosayidon't Day 3 in Boca Grande and we've seen a good amount of fish, but are struggling, like most other anglers, to get them to bite. After an early morning we head back in for lunch and muster up the energy to get back on the water for an hour or two before the storm rolls in.
Despite being June in Florida, we eventually put on our sweatshirts. (Yeah, yeah, yeah, our blood has thinned, or whatever you may want to say. It sounds ridiculous to me too, but 75 with no sun and the sea breeze is chilly!) Before moving to Florida our fishing trips were spent on the Potomac River in Virginia hooking up on large mouth bass. One of the best trips I remember (in regard to quantity caught), was a summer day just before the storm. The low pressure and overcast skies made for the perfect feeding conditions. We were watching the storm move in, lightning strikes getting closer, not wanting to call it a day because we were slaying them! Feeling similar conditions today, I casually asked, "Do you think the bit will be good, like with bass, just before the storm?" My question was quickly answered with a ::zzziiing:: as The Fisherman's bait was picked up. He lost the fish, but with my next cast I was picked up! The fish pulled hard, but I was relieved that it felt nothing like my 125+ pounder from last year. After a few good runs, and a valiant attempt to wrap himself around the trolling motor, we landed our first fish. About an 80 pounder. The storm was moving in fast and we knew we had to head to shore as soon as possible. Here's our only photo of the fish...I catch it, he gets the photo op. Oh the life of a fisherman's wife... #tarpon #fishlikeagirl #bocagrande Just a little follow up to the How Dirty IS Your Toilet post. The Fisherman finally got around to cleaning the boat. I have to say, that toilet bowl cleaner sure does make her shine!
#boatgetsabath #newusesforoldthings Food on a boat can be tricky, especially if you're trying to eat healthy. Fruit is an obvious go-to, but don't you dare bring a banana, and once you chop up a watermelon or pineapple, the tupperware container can take up more space than you'd like. The Fisherman found a pretty nice solution in these organic "fruit sauce" (my words) packets. From apple sauce, to peach, to spinach, and sweet potato these are handy, nutritious, and quite delicious. If you were to look in our pantry you would absolutely think we have a gaggle of toddlers running around. "They're made for adults, not just kids," said The Fisherman. "Yes, honey, you can totally tell by the marketing. Only an adult could be expected to purchase a product containing fruit with eyeballs." After a disappointing fishing trip, marred further by Rodney failing us quite epic-ly. The mood was turned when neighbor, and future fisherman's wife, Katie Marie excitedly exclaimed, "Oh look! We're starting solids!" after venturing into the cooler for a snack,
#fishingfood #didihearthatcorrectly #rodneyfail It's a Thursday morning. The Fisherman's alarm goes off and instead of his usual press snooze five times, then get up, fill his favorite coffee mug, bring the mug back to the bedroom, and get back in bed, he exits the bed quickly and doesn't return as I snooze until my alarm goes off. Looks like the blue shirt was a fine choice for a snook photo op. What do you think? I don't believe The Fisherman has cleaned a toilet bowl since we started dating, circa 2005, yet he is a top consumer supporter of the toilet bowl cleaning solution industry. I can only imagine the Wal-Mart cashier believes he is The Janitor, and not The Fisherman.
#theboatgetsabath Crabbing is tough work, but it's no reason not to look your best.
100% Polyester Shirt...check 100% Polyester Hat...check Blue Swim Trunks...check Matching blue bucket...check Back brace/suspenders...check Deck boots...check Trolling motor remote/necklace...check His mother's only comment: "Why did you buy white boots?" He's too sexy for his life vest, folks. #fishingfashion |
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